We were founded on the idea that cognitive training based in the principles of neuroscience can dramatically improve officer safety, performance, and professionalism. Based on nine major principles of brain function, Preflex First engages the nonconscious brain, which is the part of the brain that almost all training methods ignore. The nonconscious brain, what we call the backchannel, not only guides thoughts and behaviors at a primary level, but also dictates thought and behavior during stress. Preflex First is rooted in the science of developing automatic thought to guide behavior, particularly in high-stress situations.
Phone: 888.556.0250
Email: info@preflexfirst.com
To greatly enhance officer safety and professionalism by using fundamental principles of neuroscience to train automaticity around perception, processing, and performance.
To help officers, teams, and organizations reach their maximum potential by enhancing the way they see, understand, and interact with their environment.
Cognitive Command Group, LLC was formed in 2016 by Dr. Jonathan Page, PhD and successful executive Chris Richardson. The unique system is based on Dr. Page’s extensive research in cognitive neuroscience. His two decades of research on how stress impacts performance and how to overcome it led to the Preflex First approach to training, which has been implemented in a variety of law enforcement agencies and departments.
Preflex Safety, a sister company to Preflex First, applies the same neuroscience-based micro-training to ensure a safer work environment in industrial settings and construction sites.